The Nevada Child Care Fund provides parents with money to pay for child care, so the demand for child care services is booming. There are also assistance programs to help your child care succeed as well as information to help new providers get up and running.
Child care providers of all types, including
center-based, home-based, and Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN), now have one location to access resources, support and information to operate their business and provide the highest quality of care possible.
Support for child care providers includes training, quality improvement, small business administration resources, networking, behavioral and health referrals for children and families, child care subsidy resources, educational and professional development grants, early childhood substitutes and more!
This website is supported by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Grant #G99COV2 from the Administration for Children & Families (ACF) Child Care and Development Block Grant - Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Act (CRRSA). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department nor ACF. Program directed through a subaward agreement with the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care and Development Program, and administered by The Children's Cabinet.